Thursday, February 21, 2008

An invitation to you...

If you're in the Atlanta area-I would love for you to join us March 4th, drop-in from 6-8!
I'm already having "no-one's coming to my party anxiety!"
R.S.V.P by March 1st!
Please come!

I'm not really asking, this is an order!
If you have questions-write me:
or phone shopSCAD 404-816-0247



  1. Hi Katie,
    I found your blog through Kari's. Wow I love your work, I'm so glad that I found you thanks to Kari, I will be back soon to read more.
    Cheers Linda

  2. I wish I could come, I am somewhat hampered by being in a different country. D:

    Good luck with it all though, the invitation looks amazing!!

  3. I so wish I could be there! Why do you all live so far? I hope it is WONDERFUL!

  4. Ohhh, I wish I could run down for your little soiree! My parents do have a vacation home in Atlanta but I don't see swinging it. I'll have to watch to see if you do something like this in the summer when I might travel that way. Have a fun time!

  5. I wish I could be there, too! My Atlanta-living Aunt is in MI helping care for my ailing grandparents; otherwise, we would all be there. Good luck!

  6. my husband and i always vacation in south carolina in may and pop by savannah to visit my friend jenn that owns wild fibres, if you are in town, i would love to hook up!

    your blog and work is gorgeous. i love your twist on the old school yarn wreath, very chic!


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