Friday, March 21, 2008

Back in the Day Bakery!

Look at this!! These are racks of the absolute yummiest cupcakes from one of Savannah's gems- Back in the Day Bakery! Aren't they beautiful!? I miss all of their food so very much! The sweet and talented duo, Cheryl and Griff Day are responsible for all this goodness. Visit the bakery here, and read more about these cupcakes on Cheryl's great blog, Buttercream & Roses.

photo via Buttercream & Roses

The photo of their cupcakes below appeared along the
New York Times
article: 36 Hours in Savannah. Click to read!

Photo: Erik S. Lesser for The New York Times


  1. Thanks for the sweetest post Katie.
    Griff & I miss seeing you. Thank goodness for blogland!

  2. I've always wanted to go to Savannah, but the closest I've gotten is online shopping at ShopScad. I really enjoy your blog.

  3. Those cupcakes look amazing. Like Meg, Savannah is on my list of places to visit. I keep a file of clippings about places I wouldn't want to miss when I get there, and I'm adding this bakery to my list!


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