Saturday, November 7, 2009

Glorious Treasury of Hair History

I was searching for images of Vintage Shanghai Hairstyles the other day after falling in love with Evangelione's dolls and it lead me to this site: Rapunzel's website dedicated to all things concerning long hair and hair health. The photo treasury on this site is incredible! Now, I'm eager to find a site about the hair history of Black America...which then led to me to this new documentary by Chris Rock-Good Hair-which I hope comes to theaters somewhere around here! Has anyone seen it yet??





above images via


  1. That looks so funny. I hope it comes to a theater near me....

  2. Great post, love the pics!! Also, I am so excited about "Good Hair". I really hope the 'natural look' comes back.

  3. That is so cool. Thanks for another excellent post. Linda in New Mexico
    I've been meaning to tell you that my daughter and grandchildren recently moved back here to Albuquerque from Columbia. When we went to visit I was in awe of all the trees. I felt like I was in a pinball game being shot along the roads. It was so different from here where you can see for 5 miles or more ahead of you when you drive. Love your blog by the by.

  4. best friend from home saw the documentary "good hair" and said it was an absolute RIOT. While it gives some insight, it certainly does its fair share (in true Chris Rock style) of poking fun at this culture of hair. I highly recommend and will be seeing myself!

  5. Have you ever seen the Victorian hair pictures? They were created from hair taken from deceased relatives, twisted and shaped into flowers and preserved behind glass!!! Very creepy...but oh! so cool!

  6. Katie, this is brilliant! It's my first visit to your blog and I keep finding more and more stuff of pertinence! The BBC had some images of the suffragettes on their site which started me thinking (amongst other things) about hairstyles from the early era of photography, so the link to that library of photos is fantastic!!!!


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