Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nathalie Lete at Anthropologie

My heart nearly exploded when I came upon Anthropologie's art gallery featuring original ceramics and limited edition silkscreens by Nathalie Lete.  Never before has her original work been so accessible in the States...and boy, howdy does Anthropologie know a good thing! Its also a good thing I don't have any money because I would probably spend it all on purchasing her work and forget about necessities like food and shelter.  xoxo



  1. very very beautiful! thanks for sharing this artist!

  2. oh my, these are GORGEOUS. so nice to be stunned by something so lovely. thanks for the tip. I too have not a dime but I can dream....

  3. Fantastic! I love that store, the buyers have such a good eye!

  4. your blog is really inspiring! a grand treasure! especially that we're also making vintage-like dolls right now.

  5. Thanks for posting - I love her work, great to see more of it, I hadn't seen the plates before.

  6. wonderful work. I am so glad I found your blog.


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