Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Unhappy Hipsters

Apologies if you've seen this already...but my morning was vastly improved upon finding, Unhappy Hipsters and I felt I had to share some favorites! Found thanks to a new favorite: Carolina Eclectic. xo


  1. I also found unhappy hipsters lately! I love it! I just borrowed an awesome book from the library called atomic ranch...you should def check it out!

    doing a post on it soon on le blog....

  2. I started following unhappy hipsters a couple of weeks ago and have fallen in love. I love modern house design so I get my fix here and a good chuckle with it. Cheaper and better than a magazine subscription! Enjoy!

  3. Thanks for the tip! I love what I see, so I will check them out. Have a great day.


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