Friday, July 15, 2011


One of my favorite artists, Katherine Sandoz has opened a new online gallery/boutique called, Sandozia featuring her "luxury items" or one-of-a-kind works of art including paintings, drawings,and fiber sculptures. Check it out! I've mentioned it before- but don't miss her blog, some southern(ish) gibby either! xo
30" x 30", water-based media on canvas, spring 2011

18" x 24", water-based media on panel, 2010-2011

7.5" x 10", water-based media on panel, 2010-2011
 7.25" square, water-based media on panel

24" silk, copper

30" fibers, copper

Images in this post copyright Katherine Sandoz
Artwork also available via shopSCAD!


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