Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Anxiety Theater presents...a grateful heart.

Print by Departika and available on Etsy here.

I just noticed I pinned this print a year ago! I'm still struggling with getting back into the swing of creating, actually more like making TIME for creating. Not working definitely creates anxiety within me. My father-in-law is my hero and helps me realize any crazy idea I come up with, from a farm table three days before Thanksgiving to a screen door on my studio in the basement (how cozy! it leads to the garage!). Currently, he is helping me overhaul my basement studio to be more user friendly, e.g. better lighting, electrical outlets, heater, flooring. It takes time, and I pray for patience and constantly remind myself how blessed I am to have such a helpful, generous, and kind man in my life! And, not only that, my he and my mother-in-law take my child overnight two or three nights a week! Thank you, Oma and Opa!! I am one lucky and grateful girl. xoxo


  1. Sounds like you have a delightful and supportive family. I look forward to your new creations!


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