Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What's going on around here...

I've been busy trying to concentrate on organizing this little ship I've created. The hardest thing for me to do is to take time from creating to get organized - especially the finances! Thanks to many of you and your generous support of my work I've been able to get by month to month-but just barely- and its my own fault! I don't have a plan and I'm not organized- so I can't expect to earn a living without this-so here I go. I've had to close the shop side of my studio b/c I was spending too much time chit-chatting with customers and not selling much! I've decided its best to stick to the internet for now (Thanks, Amy!) I wish I had a lick of business savvy-but I don't. I've paid attention to my mentors in the past but have never actually had my own rear on the line. I've learned so much from reading all the creative business books that I've mentioned here-and then some.

I found a fantastic guide to the creative type's Business Plan on Design for Mankind's Blog! Erin Loechner has created a series for confused, entrepreneur wanna-be's- like me!- called Roadmaps- and see here for her insightful business plan model. Thank You for all your help, Erin!

I've also been trying to work on a new website. I had decided on using Aeolidia (Thanks for the tip, Liz!) as their portfolio of work is incredible, clean and creative, and they receive super kudos from their customers! Check them out here. But reality has set in, as did a teeny-tiny scratch I made on our new car, and I have to put working with them on hold. I'm hoping I can have them start by reworking the design of this blog- while I do my best to put together a temporary website here. I need to slow down and save up a little more--so until then I'll be up here soon- but Not YEt!! I'll let you know!

Thanks so much for all your kind comments and support! I read all comments but feel weird about responding to them in the same place (as if I expect you to take the time to come back here and see if I've responded). But please know I read them, take them to heart, and if Blogger includes your link I usually go peek around your world too!!

Thanks also to EZ- the amazing designer behind Creature Comforts who has not only collected my work-but shares it with her readers from time to time- and today! I have to pinch myself every time! I can't thank her enough!


  1. While you are regrouping, why don't you enter in the 'Dreamers Into Doers' Contest at All you have to do is write an essay about how you turned your passion into a budding business by July 11, 2008 and you could possibly win some money for your business. Good luck with your business plan!

  2. Awww, thank you for the sweet mention, dear! :)


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