Monday, June 2, 2008

Knack Studios

I am super excited to have found the new design shop, Knack Studios, which is located in Greenville, SC- just a stones throw from here! I am head over heels for owner Barb Blair's colorful and clean vintage-modern aesthetic and styling! You can get a few sneak peeks on their Flickr site and keep up to date on what's up at Knack on their blog- this weekend there's an art opening at their studio which includes their neighbors at the Art & Light Gallery- here is their inventory page. *swoon!*
Full Desk Shot

The orange cabinet that fueled controversy on Design *Sponge!
I love it!


  1. Thank you , thank you ,thank you!! What sweet words you had about Knack! Liz sent me a very sweet e-mail, as well!! I have added you to my favorite blog section!! So glad to meet you!!:) Come up and see me sometime!!


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