Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Diary of Michelle Mayer

Thanks to Linda Crispell's blog, I found out about the amazing and courageous life story of Michelle Mayer-known for her incredible blog, Diary of a Dying Mom. Michelle passed away October 11th but has left an incredible legacy for her family and for us thanks to the online daily journal she kept-this in addition to all the honorable work she pursued with an open heart and mind throughout her life. Her blog is here and should you need to catch up with Michelle's life as I did, her family has posted a video there in which she shares her story from the beginning. Thank you for your bravery and big heart, Michelle! I have taken your words to heart and am so grateful. xo

I thought these prints by Shelli of Studio Mela
were fitting reminders of Michelle. xo


  1. oh my god. Heartbreaking....and beautiful..
    thank you for sharing this Katie. oh..

  2. Oh my goodness is Michelle's blog and LIFE touching. Thanks for sharing. Tears stream down my face. I am deeply moved.

  3. Dear Katie,
    It is amazing how someone you have never met can have the power to change your life. Michelle taught us how to live and die with grace. I am so grateful that she shared such so much with us and your tribute to her is beautiful.

  4. Katie .... I love this ..... so amazing! I think I'm going to order one of these posters:) ... Thanks so much!


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