Monday, November 24, 2008

Once upon a time...

I saw this video of the sweetest little French story-teller on Whitney Dail's blog and ended up spending an hour watching all her videos and dreaming about some day having my own big brown eyed girl like Capuchine...she is incredible!

Once upon a time... from Capucha on Vimeo.


  1. oh my gosh , I am mesmerized by this lil tot! Her eyelashes, her quick Amelie French, oh dear! I'm feeling rather clucky now!!

  2. Capuchine WOULD look like your progeny w/ Jon. His eyes, your coloring....hint....hint....xo

  3. Precious!! I wish I could talk like that;)

  4. oh my goodness now i'm stuck here glued to the screen. that was so cute- and I live in a house full of little girls so that's saying something!

  5. I am enchanted! She reminds me of a slightly older version of my own big brown eyed girl. What an amazing story teller! She is just darling.

  6. Mon dieu! Elle est absolutement enchante.

    (Please forgive any grammatical errors. I took French many moons ago.)


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