Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

How are you?? I'm here trying to get back into the swing of things after much fun with my nieces and nephews at my parents home in Fayetteville. There was much cooking, cleaning, playing, laughing, tiny bit of crying, singing-What a talent show! and lots of homemade and photo gifts-as was the rule this year. It made for a much sweeter holiday and a lot less plastic junk! A BiG Thank you to Mom and Dad...who hosted this Christmas for everyone despite mom recovering from foot troubles and dad's fourth ankle surgery! We carry your love and generosity with us everywhere we go~xoxo!


  1. Hi Katie, it sounds like you had a fab holiday, here's wishing you a wonderful new year :)


  2. Hi there: I don't know if we have "met" before, but I have you in a list of blogs to read. I live in Lexington, SC, so maybe we have corresponded. Stop by my blog and e-mail me, if you like. I think my daughter would love your artwork, and I noticed you mentioned SCAD. I think she would like to go there for college.
    -- Michele

  3. hey katie! sounds like a wonderfully simply christmas! most of the time they are the best. love the beautiful decorated home! i love simple things in life. happy late holidays to you.

  4. Happy, Happy New Year Katie. It's sounds like you had a lovely time with family. We'll be in touch!
    Kara & Darcy

  5. Welcome back my dear, I missed you! So glad you had a wonderful Christmas and happy new year!

  6. Happy New Year to you! Three cheers to reducing plastic junk!


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