Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today on D*S Guest Blog...

Please visit me over at Design*Sponge's Guest Blog! Today I visit my friend Pam Pemberton of Flora and my very own gifted mother, Bonnie Runnels! This blogging experience has been such a tremendous ride! Tomorrow the fun comes to a close for me- but I've saved Liz Demos from @Home to end with a bang! Thanks again to Grace, Amy, Fu, Kathy, Pam, Mom and Liz. It felt so good to spend some time with each of you! Xo
Still life captured at my mother's house.


  1. Amazing talent and wonderful posts!! Absolutely lovely!

  2. you have been hard at work...all of your posts are super lovely! xo

  3. Hi Katie! I ended up here after I saw Liz Demos' house on Design Sponge, which is probably the coolest house I've ever seen. Your blog is all kinds of awesome!


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