Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back home again from Indiana...

Amy Zurcher and I bravely made our way to Indiana before Christmas and back again...here is a bit of the alpine treachery we faced in Tennessee!
Amy Z. drove the EnTirE way...because I am a fool when it
comes to a stick-shift. Thank you, AMY!!!

We did take a time out from my carsickness and our icy fears to
admire all the pretty barns and snowy vistas along the way.

Our brave navigational feat allowed us one glorious afternoon
together luxuriating in the warm seasonal glow of a pre-holiday
Anthropologie euphoria...
Love you, Amy!! Thanks for the lift! xoxo


  1. you all are so cute...and I'm so glad you had fun and are safe!

    happy day friend!


  2. What a trip! Nice to have you back.
    Happy New Year!!!

  3. I'm glad I didn't know about this at the time. How pretty though and what a fun adventure. Glad you're home safe.

  4. It was the best Christmas present anyone could give to me this year. Thank you Katie, love you sooo much!

    Sorry I enjoyed making you car sick!

    Amy Z

  5. Hi ! I just love your artwork and pics in Flickr with little birds and especially those old dolls because I collect souvenir dolls. I love taking pics and I have my pics about Finnish Nature and others in my blog.
    If you like to see interesting knitting go to my sisters blog http://stikkari.vuodatus.net/ it is mostly in Finnish but you can watch the pics. My blog is in English/Finnish/Swedish !!!!!


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