Thursday, May 13, 2010

SCADStyle Party Lanterns

While I have simply nothing going on in my life other than trying to sell our home and working out of our hot packed garage for the time being...I thought I'd share with you some magical scenes from my best friend, Amy Zurcher's life. These are photos she took last weekend at Savannah College of Art and Design's SCADStyle Party in Savannah. The amazing giant lanterns were made through a collaboration between artists, Karen McVay Butch and Martha Enzmann. Aren't they incredible!? xo

Photos by Amy Zurcher!

The lanterns appear to be made from a mix of fabric created by SCAD's
Working Class Studios and the artist's own handmade prints and patterns.


  1. Those are absolutely amazing! Wow, how talented they are!

  2. how fab to be milling about under these marvellous shades, such fun!
    Good luck with the house stuff.

  3. Yay for SCAD!!!! So proud of them!

  4. Thank you for the compliments! Martha and I have collaborated for many years- she made the dyed parachute cloth lanterns and I made the painted tyvek lanterns. We were very pleased with the results. Neither of us attended the party so I appreciate seeing party pictures! Thanks!!


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