Thursday, August 12, 2010

Etsy's Storque features ShopSCAD's Amy Zurcher!

Hooray for my bff, co-creator and Director of shopSCAD, Amy Zurcher for her fantastic guest post on the Storque today! (I think photographer, Adam Kuehl did an amazing job capturing the sweet spirit and wild creative energy of Amy and the shop-so I'm shamelessly reposting several of them!) 
PS. Thanks as always, Amy for sharing the spotlight with are truly my greatest fan! xoxo
PPS...Since I've been in hiding, Amy started a new blog for ShopSCAD...take a looksee if you haven't already!
The Fabulous Mrs. Amy Zurcher at ShopSCAD, Savannah.

Amy holding an exquisite painting by, Monica Cook.
I find them both fascinating!

Interior shot of ShopSCAD, Savannah looking quite spiffy!

ShopSCAD, Savannah's Creative Team, Kyle Millsap, Amy Zurcher,
and Whitney Dail...arranging the larger than life puzzle that is the salon style wall o' artwork!

I love this photo Adam took of the beloved chandelier which has been added
to in layers over time by myself and Kyle! The art dolls featured are by Emily Marie Cox.

Photography by Adam Kuehl and courtesy of ShopSCAD
Used with permission.


  1. glad you're back and blogging, KT... I have missed you.
    This is a wonderous piece too! Congratulations Amy!!!

  2. Hey! Yes, I have missed your blog too, and I was so honored to be featured with you and among other SCAD grads.

  3. Thank yOU Katie girl! You are too good to me. How can I talk about shopSCAD ever and not talk about you? Get back on the blogging so we can all be renewed and inspired!

    Amy Z

  4. yay yay yay
    you are back!
    i loved the article
    on Etsy. you and Amy
    must be at least a little proud
    of your accomplishments.
    way to go!

  5. Stunning. I would love to visit someday and love your chandelier.


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