Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Congratulations Sheena & Ezra!

Wedding Invitation Art by Ezra Birt

Custom Wedding Topper for Sheena and Ezra 

I was so happy to be a small part of my friend, Sheena Rogers- now Sheena Birt and Ezra's wedding celebration this past weekend! Here is the wedding cake topper I made for them using their wedding colors and some little personal details to match the darling illustration Ezra created for their invitations!  Sheena is a fellow Savannah College of Art and Design Alumna and she is an amazingly creative artist currently working her magic at the Indianapolis Anthropologie.  I hope to have more photos of their artful wedding to share with you soon! Congratulations and Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Birt! xoxo


  1. Oh Katie it made me so happy to see your topper at Sheena and Ezra's wedding! I knew it was your creation the second I saw it. :) I wish you could have been there. I miss you. Hope all is well. xo

  2. Now that's a wedding cake topper!

  3. Katie that is just adorable! (all of it) Congrats to the B&G. jx

  4. Aww that wedding topper is so cute. That wedding invitation is so freakin darling indeed!

  5. Out of the park awesome. I know you love gathering, let me know a few specific things you look for and I'll do a bit of gathering in Utah for you!
    From, Camille


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