I'm giving up on my hope to present a clean and orderly studio visit with you. Here is my tiny little workshop complete with mess. Lucky you...I didn't move a thing. The Constant Gatherer's digs are a constant disaster. xo

Painting in progress...

messy bookcases with exploding pile of fabrics in corner

Painting #2 in progress

a messy mess...

This scene actually seems tidy to me...
there are actually some tools hanging on their hooks.

and finally, my messy desk where i sit among
razor blades, glue, diet coke cans,
antibiotic ointment and ibuprofin. xo
thanks for sharing...
i do not feel alone in this world any longer....
I'm so glad you're messy in your studio too! Thanks for making us feel better. :)
Oh I love getting to see this! Thanks for sharing!! xo
It looks like the work place of a true artist.....busy at work.....and honestly.....it looks a little more organized than mine! (I guess that's because your tools are on the peg board!) Thanks for sharing!!!
It is a beautiful mess! When you make magic as you do things are bound to get crazy.
Amy z.
Katie- I was so excited about the below post that I scrolled through your studio pics quickly-on second look-
It looks like a lot of fun stuff everywhere! My studio is a huge mess...but I find what I need in the piles and usually having things out in the open helps me become inspired to use it!
Thanks for sharing and your work in progress looks exciting!
It always makes me happy to see creativity in action as evidenced by messy spaces full of materials & tools scattered about...
Thanks for sharing, Katie!
I'd feel right at home there.... thanks for the look. xoC
Your space is fantastic Katie! I love it and cannot wait to see your new paintings!
Messiness is a sign of creativity! Rock on!
fun, and messy and inspiring me to GO MAKE ART. great fun to see.
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