Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We've all seen her peeking out from the pages of Etsy from under those dark bowl cut bangs. Its a cool rainy morning here and the sight of her oversized knit hat on the front page looked so inviting, I simply had to spread the love of Yokoo here today! I love this artist for the extreme lengths she goes to in styling herself for her product shots. I don't know her but I'm pretty sure her everyday look is just as specatacular- or rather this is her everyday style! And, hello? Who among us can resist a grand pom-pom or yarn glasses? Find her Featured Seller interview here in case you missed it! Reading it made me love her even more. xo


My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

She is the glasses..and the pom pom headband..but I really want that chain scarf..cute..too cute.....

I too am soaked to the bone...those knitted pieces look perfect.....

Aesthetic Outburst... said...

Too perfect! I LOVE that interview and only wish that I could be that clever.

Rebecca said...

hilarious and brilliant!