One of our all time favorite K.C. shopping destinations is
Mission Road Antique Mall also in Prairie Village, KS. They even have a terrific little cafe that serves lunch-perfect for a re-energizing break from the massive two story mall! I loved the carrot-ginger soup and Waldorf salad! We celebrated with the most incredible carrot cake any of us had ever tasted! This place is my paradise! 4101 W. 83rd St. Prairie Village, KS 913.341.7577.

I reeeally wanted the antique blue velvet glove box.
This seller has an abundance of vintage French notions and bric-a-brac.

Vintage hand-colored fashion illustrations-so sad I couldn't afford these!

My favorite booth called, "Prize".
There are actually several booths by this inspired seller!

Great tag!

More "Prize"

Love this iron settee made of two separate chairs.

Corals, antlers, and birds, oh, my!

Vintage metal and glass cart

Gorgeous Deco Cream Chaise Lounge

I love this enormous painting of a girl-kind of
Balthus-esque-but less disturbing.

How can I get this birdcage to S.C.?
Beyond Broken Mosaics by Kansas Artist Dee Dee Walters
available through Mission Road Antique Mall.

Vintage Mosaic Mirror by Dee Dee Walters

Mosaic Wedding Frames and Cake by Dee Dee Walters

More DeeDee Walters.
I found an artist after my own heart!
She incorporates so many
wonderful found treasures!
I want to dive into the PRize section! Remember that cool shop we went into in San Francisco called Prize? Thanks for all the great photos of KC- now I want to go visit Jennifer!
Amy Z
Okay, this is just too strange. I lived near right by this Mission Road Antique Mall and shopped there probably twice a month! I've bought many things there...
in fact, my engagement ring came from there 13 years ago!
No, I am not stalking you, Katie,
it is just so strange...all of these coincidences!
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